a sustainable fishing method that does not damage the benthic environment. The New Taipei City Government hopes that everyone can learn more about where the delicacies on our dinner table come from, ...
engaged in the fishing port improvement project to improve the working environment of fishers, so it merged ecological engineering methods to create a multi-functional jetty. It hopes not only to let ...
ten see female fishing villagers walk back and forth on wave-cut platforms covered with sea lettuce, searching for brown treasures among a field of green seagrass. They are picking delicious algaelitt ...
Abalone in Gongliao is renowned delicacies for winter! However, do you know what abalone look like when they are little? You can find the answer at New Taipei City Marine Resources Recovery Park! Let ...
olicy of smart fishing ports to install a water and electricity supply system for the smart management of fishing boats along the coast, smart street light system, free WiFi hotspots at key fishing po ...
covered by the fishing nets the function of gathering fish would be weakened, and might also cause many creatures strangled to death. In order to maintain the reef habitat environment, Fisheries, and ...
l, lights from fishing boats and from Jiufen, also known as Golden Mountain Town, to make a gorgeous view! After the water show began, Mayor Hou became a spokesman to market the Shenao Fishery Festiva ...
armor blocks, fishing the crabs with a fishing rod. Wen-WeiHsiao, the owner ofMaoAoMarine Station(卯澳海洋驛站), who dedicates himself to the research and development of local seafood cuisine said that t ...
nounced that a fishing boat would lose qualifications for fishing larval anchovies once it is sold. Since 2009, the number of fishing boats for larval anchovies in the city has reduced by 148. In the ...
The four-month fishing period for eel fries will end on February 28 this year (2019). In accordance with Regulations Governing Fishing Period for Eel Fries and Notices for Fishing Eel Fries along the ...
n addition, 26 fishing and breeding households have obtained production traceability barcodes (QR-code), including abalone, Taiwan abalone, dragon sturgeon and perch, etc., to improve the sanitary qua ...
the concept of fishing boat fire safety and encourage fishermen to actively insure their fishing boats to prepare for any eventuality and enhance safety when they go to sea.Something Unexpected May Ha ...
s found in the fishing village including coral reefs, sandstone, yellow clay and shell powder. The house can prevent the wind and salt, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer. As time changes, th ...
unt using pole fishing not only to minimize impacts to the environment, but also to ensure that the flesh of chicken grunt remains fresh.Hong Jian-De, the owner of the restaurant in Gongliao The Homel ...
n of Whitebait fishing season, fishing areas, fishing gear restrictions and prohibitions, and related matters in New Taipei City, the closed season of whitebait fishing began from June 15th to Septemb ...