Carp leaping over the dragon gate, joyfully welcoming the Year of the Dragon. The Fisheries and Fishing Port Affairs Management Office of the New Taipei City Government recommends the ONE Fish Pure So ...
are invited to fishing ports, the habitats of Wanli crabs, to have fun with everyone by adding joyful atmosphere to the fishing ports with lively and interesting pictures. You can join a raffle featur ...
n and friendly fishing port environment.The Fisheries Agency held the third Golden Fishing Port evaluation. The evaluation results after five long months indicated that five fishing ports in New Taipe ...
【New Taipei City】 The 2022 New Taipei City Ocean Conversation Education Promotion Program launched together by New Taipei City Government and Ocean Conservation Administration was evaluated at the fir ...
【New Taipei City】 Agriculture Bureau, New Taipei City Government launched the World Oceans Day series event for the promotion of healthy agricultural city and in response to the theme of 2023 World Oc ...
he traditional fishing facilities of fishermen and provide fishermen with a safer and more comfortable fishing environment. It also allows fishing ports to be combined with sightseeing and recreation ...
oss the second fishing port in Tamsui, and it is the landmark of Tamsui Fishermans Wharf. The bridge was officially open to the public on February 14, 2003, and has been officially named Lovers Bridge ...
blowing in the fishing ground in northwestern Taiwan has gradually turned into the cooler northeast wind. This is the time for three-spot crabs to appear. Crab roe and meat are mellow at the time of t ...
ou come to the fishing village in the northeast corner of Taiwan, you can often see long-strip plants with triangular thorns growing on peoples houses, rock houses, walls, pavilions or huge rocks by t ...
f rocks in the fishing village in Taiwans Northeast Coast roams on reefs, wearing a suit of armor, in the intertidal zone. They are chitons, commonly referred to as armor in Chinese. After being picke ...
ice factory at fishing ports. Why is the ice factory important? Lets learn more about the backstage contributor to delicious seafood!New Taipei City has 145 kilometers of coastline, and 28 fishing por ...
ng by hand and fishing by the shore. Yehliu Conservation Area is the first fully closed fishing area in New Taipei City. Since the establishment of the bamboo reef for the restoration of neritic squid ...
e views of the fishing port and the atmosphere of the sea. Additionally, you can enjoy the azure sea and blue sky that you can never see in the city, chasing the most beautiful sunset in Taiwan. Have ...
k-held dip net fishing boats are allowed to fish squid in the waters at the latitudes between 24 degrees 30 minutes and 26 degrees north. Fisheries and Fishing Port Affairs Management Office, New Taip ...
[New Taipei City]In the beginning of March each year, the variously colored abalone babies in New Taipei Citys Marine Resources Restoration Park will move to a new home. These abalone babies were born ...