
Characteristic Fishing Ports

Hemei Fishing Port

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Hemei Fishing Port is located in the shallow gravel beach in Hemei Neighborhood of Gongliao District in New Taipei City. Due to the silting issue, the extended section of northern breakwater was dismantled in 2003 to restore the port’s berthing function.

In 2006, an evaluation on the planning of stabilizing the fishing port condition was conducted; in 2007, the construction works of extending the southern inner dike, dredging and adding armor blocks were continued.

The port now has a -2.0 depth water wharf, a breakwater of 450m and a berth of 0.55 hectares. Vessels of Hemei are mostly engaged in long line, pole and lines boots, and stick-held dip net fisheries in oceans of Sandiao Bay. As these are inshore fisheries, the shipping vessels normally travel within a day and leave early and return late.

The region’s catches are mostly Butterfishes, skipjack tuna, Bigfin reef squid, neritic squid and miscellaneous fishes.


Hemei Fishing Port
Hemei Fishing Port
Hemei Fishing Port